Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Superfoods For Weight Loss

This humble looking bulb is packed with enzymes to help breakdown protein and aid in food digestion. Asian communities use a lot of garlic in their cooking and have benefited tremendously in health and physique. Garlic is said to great for lowering hypertension, cholesterol, relieving colds, boosting immune system and body metabolism.

Tomato is simply a divine food, full of goodness such as vitamin C and antioxidants. And it is so versatile. You can cook it, juice it, eat it raw, make sauce or paste. Regularly eating tomatoes is said to prevent prostate cancer and lower high blood pressure. It has very low calories and therefore great to include in your weight loss diet.

3)Black grapes
Black grapes like blueberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. They are not as nice to it as red globes or Thompson but they are great for juicing.

These yellow fruits are great source of vitamins and enzymes that help to break down fat. Pineapple juice is used for cleansing the guts, which is a great way to lose weight.

5)Apple Cider Vinegar
This has got to be the mother of all superfoods. The benefits of apple cider vinegar are endless.Apple cider vinegar benefits include many external uses as well. It can be used to sooth sunburns and insect bites, to make your hair shine, and to treat dandruff just to mention a few. No one is really sure how apple cider vinegar works to promote weight loss, but there is no shortage of theories.
It is generally believed that the nutrients, enzymes, and organic acids in apple cider vinegar cause weight reduction by acting as an appetite suppressant, by increasing your body's metabolic rate, by reducing water retention, and by helping you maintain a feeling of well being . Apple cider vinegar is known to slow the rise of blood sugar after a meal and this leads to the suggestion that the taking of apple cider vinegar with a meal reduces the amount of insulin required to process the meal resulting in weight loss.
Most apple cider vinegar weight loss home remedies, like the one investigated in Vermont by Dr D. C. Jarvis, M.D., call for the taking of one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal. Patricia Bragg recommends adding 1 or 2 teaspoons of raw honey to this mixture.
Whichever way you take it, don't expect a rapid weight loss, the weight will be lost gradually, as it should be to allow the body's fat cells to adjust to their new size.

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